BHDDH Invites Public Comment On Rate Review

By Gina Macris

Beginning Sept. 28, the public will have a chance to comment on preliminary recommendations of a consultant’s long-awaited review of rates paid Rhode Island’s private providers of developmental disability services.

The court-ordered rate review is expected to address several barriers to the state’s compliance with a 2014 civil rights consent decree. The agreement requires the state to provide individualized services enabling adults with developmental disabilities to integrate with their communities in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.

That goal means that, among other changes, the the state must offer more competitive rates to private service providers to enable them to greatly expand their direct care workforce.

The Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) has announced that its consultant will present its initial recommendations in two online meetings Sept. 28 and 29. The public will have until Oct. 21 to submit comments.

The two online presentations will be facilitated by officials of the Burns & Associates Division of Health Management Associates, (HMA-Burns) the healthcare consultant BHDDH hired to conduct the review. The public may attend both sessions, but each one will have a different focus, with the first including technical details of interest to service providers and the second aimed at consumers, their families, and other interested persons.

A BHDDH spokesman said there will be no pre-registration or meeting passcodes for either of the two events, to be hosted on the Zoom platform.

The schedule:

After Sept. 29, the public will be able to view recordings of the meetings, access rate review materials, and find instructions for submitting comments on the BHDDH website at

The recommendations of the rate review will be finalized after the conclusion of the public comment period.

The rate review was timed to enable the state to use it in formulating the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023.