RI Supported Employment Services Hampered By Lack of Trained Workers, High Caregiver Turnover

By Gina Macris

About 60 percent of all those who start training at Rhode Island College to provide supported employment services to adults with developmental disabilities drop out of the certificate program,  a factor that threatens reform efforts embodied in two federal civil rights agreements.

The drop-out rate in the training program at RIC’s Sherlock Center on Disabilities underlines a shortage of direct care workers in general and in particular a lack of staff qualified to meet the demand from adults with developmental disabilities for employment-related services and to satisfy the requirements of a 2014 federal consent decree and a companion settlement a year earlier.

The specialized training at the Sherlock Center includes classes and field experience in the nuances of supported employment services, from the time an individual starts looking for a job to on-the-job assistance, long-term career planning, and building good relationships with the business community.

The Sherlock Center is under contract with the state to lead the way in educating those who work with adults having developmental disabilities in the best professional practices, consistent with the principles of the consent decree, which puts individuals’ needs and personal preferences at the center of the services they receive.

Workers must successfully complete a course like the Sherlock Center’s before the state will allow private service providers to assign them to help job-seekers find employment that suits them and the businesses that hire them. The Sherlock Center offers its training tuition-free to those who plan to work in one of two pilot supported employment programs;  one funded by the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH),  and another run by the Office of Rehabilitation Services in the Department of Human Services.

The topic of supported employment, primarily the BHDDH program, dominated the discussion at the monthly meeting of the Employment First Task Force Oct. 10. The Task Force is a creation of the 2014 consent decree, which requires Rhode Island to shift from sheltered workshops and segregated day programs to inclusive day services, in accordance with the 1999 Olmstead decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision re-affirmed the integration mandate of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Vicki Ferrarra                   photo by Anne Peters 

Vicki Ferrarra                   photo by Anne Peters 

The task force includes representatives of individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and various community organizations with a stake in the developmental disability service system.  

Vicki Ferrara, who represented the Rhode Island Association of People Supporting Employment First (RI APSE), a professional organization, said there was a 40 percent completion rate in the Sherlock Center training program.

She works as the Sherlock Center’s coordinator for integrated employment.  The group she represented at the meeting is part of a national organization involved in setting professional-level standards for various aspects of supported employment services.

Ferrarra said some direct care workers complete the supported employment training and then leave the field of developmental disability services entirely, often because of low wages.  

Others drop out of the course because they find the work too challenging, she said.

Still others cannot complete the classes or field work because the shortage of direct care workers is so acute that their employers call them in to cover vacant shifts on the job for basic health and safety reasons.

Ferrara said the state does not pay for substitutes while the regular caregivers are in class.

She said the direct care workforce must be stabilized before the state gains enough qualified job coaches,  job developers and supported employment specialists.

Many new hires leave when they realize the job of providing direct support to adults with developmental disabilities is complicated and carries many responsibilities. The average wages are estimated at about $11.50 an hour, including a pay bump of 36 cents an hour that is being processed by the workers’ employers this month. 

The average turnover ranges from 60 percent in the first six months to about 30 percent over 12 months, according to figures presented to the General Assembly earlier this year.

Ferrarra said workers should have at least six months’ experience, learning the basics of direct care, before they are sent to train for specialized credentials. In at least some parts of the service system, new workers get acclimated by working under supervision with just a few specific clients, learning their needs and preferences and strategies for cope with any challenges they might present.

But Ferrara said some workers arrive at the Sherlock Center for specialized employment-related training during their first week on the job.

In September, an official of the supported employment program run by BHDDH reported that the enrollment of individuals seeking jobs was 92 short of the available spaces, a maximum of 517. (Click here for related article.) 

On Oct. 10, Howard Cohen, a member of the Task Force who is the father of a man with developmental disabilities, said a lack of qualified staff has come up repeatedly when he has participated in other discussions about supported employment.

Ferrara provided information on the three-part training program at the Sherlock Center as the Employment First Task Force was considering recommendations it planned to make to the state about the future of supported employment services.  

Instead, questions arose on details that needed clarification, like how the clients for supported employment services have been selected, and how families that hire their own workers through a fiscal intermediary to support their loved ones can get broader access to these services. 

Brian Gosselin, Chief Strategy Officer for the state Executive Office Of Human Services, urged the task force to put its questions in writing and submit them to the state. Gosselin was involved in the design of the BHDDH supported employment program.  That pilot will complete its first program year at the end of December and is under evaluation. By year’s end, the ORS program also will be well into the second half of its initial 12-month run.



Low Wages Create Labor Shortage in RI DD Services; Advocates Testify for Higher Pay

By Gina Macris

Low wages for workers who provide direct care for adults with disabilities in Rhode Island have led to such a crisis that some agencies lose 80 percent of their front-line staff within six months, although the average annual turnover rate is 33 percent.

To fill the gap, their employers spend millions of dollars in overtime and in training new hires, only to lose them again.

Advocates for the developmental disability service system spelled out the consequences of poverty-level wages for direct care workers during a hearing before the Senate Finance Committee March 21.

A Rhode Island College expert submitted written testimony which said that an underpaid workforce results in instability, anxiety, and a diminished quality of life in the people it serves. 

The new developmental disabilities director, Kerri Zanchi, also linked the stability of the workforce to the quality of services and outcomes for the people it serves. 

Governor Gina Raimondo has proposed adding $6.1 million for raises to direct care workers in the budget beginning July 1. If it passes, it would provide the second annual raise –albeit a modest one – for some 4,000 part-time and full-time caregivers.

The first raise was enacted under pressure from federal enforcement of a 2014 consent decree. The $5-million line item added about 36 cents an hour for front-line caregivers, giving them an average of $11.18 an hour retroactive to July 1, 2016, according to Sen. Louis DiPalma, D-Middletown, the first vice-chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

DiPalma is leading a drive to increase the average wage for direct care workers and home health care workers to $15 an hour by July 1, 2021. Testimony during the hearing indicated that Massachusetts is on track to reach that goal in 2018.

DiPalma also noted that Rhode Island’s minimum wage rose 30 percent between 2012 and 2016, from $7.40 an hour to the current $9.60 an hour, while the average pay for direct care workers increased 1.6 percent during the same period.

Governor Raimondo is seeking a 90-cent increase in the minimum wage, or $10.50 an hour, for the fiscal year that begins July 1.  

The interstate disparity in wages, compounded by the fact that many Rhode Island residents can just as easily work in Massachusetts as in their home state, puts the developmental disability system at a distinct disadvantage in competing for employees.

Rhode Island’s system is “economically inefficient,” said Jim Parisi, spokesman for the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals, who represents workers at Trudeau Memorial Center, one of about three dozen private developmental disability service providers in the state.

Donna Martin, director of the Community Provider Network of Rhode Island (CPNRI), said that an average of about 16 percent of jobs go unfilled, forcing employers to use overtime to fill vacant shifts, particularly in situations where safety requires a certain minimum level of staffing.

In some agencies the job vacancy rate is as high as 25 percent, according to Rebecca Boss, the acting director of the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals.

Martin, meanwhile, said reports from 18 of the 25 CPNRI member organizations indicate they spend a $2 million a year on overtime, suggesting that the total statewide could be higher. Turnover, which includes training new hires, costs an average of about $4900 per person, she said.

A raise this year is expected to be slightly bigger than the average of about 36 cents an hour enacted in the current year. The exact amount is difficult to calculate in advance because the rate the state pays providers reflects wages and some, but not all, overhead costs, Martin said. And overhead costs vary from one provider to another.

The workforce crisis is the biggest single issue her membership faces, Martin noted.  Data she submitted to the committee indicated that the demand for staffers who provide direct support of adults with developmental disabilities is expected to grow 38 percent by 2022.

In written testimony, A. Anthony Antosh, director of the Sherlock Center on Disabilities at Rhode Island College, linked the labor shortage to a diminished quality of service for individuals with disabilities – an issue which is at the center of ongoing enforcement efforts of the 2014 federal consent decree.

With some agencies losing more than 80 percent of new hires within six months, Antosh said, workers cite low pay and the complexity of the work as the chief reasons they leave. They must work two or three jobs simply to make ends meet, he said.

A growing body of research documents that a stable, high quality direct support staff produces positive results in the population it supports. Those benefits include “increased personal competence, increased employment, increased social networks and social capital and increased satisfaction with life,” Antosh wrote.

“A direct support workforce destabilized by low wages, limited opportunities for professional development and a lack of a career ladder results in instability and anxiety in the lives of the people they support,” Antosh said.

Those who depend on services have “decreased opportunities for community connection, decreased employment, and a general decrease in quality of service,” Antosh said.

Quality service, with access to community-based employment and non-work activities, are a key goal of the 2014 consent decree and a subsequent court order, which aim to enforce the 1999 Olmstead decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.

That ruling re-affirmed Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act, which says that individuals with disabilities are entitled to receive services in the least restrictive environment that is therapeutically appropriate.The decision presumes that the community is the least restrictive environment. 

RI DSP Graphic 1 3-22-17

At right are submitted to the the Senate Finance Committee March 22 by the Community Provider Network of Rhode Island, a trade association of 25 private agencies that provide services to adults with developmental disabilities. In the graphic, DSP stands for "Direct Support Professional," the title given to front-line workers. The average hourly wage does not include raises enacted  that took effect July 1, 2016.