RI Project Sustainability Commission To Meet Jan. 14 To Wrap Up Recommendations

By Gina Macris

The special legislative commission studying the way Rhode Island pays for developmental disability services will hold its final meeting Jan. 14 to summarize some 70 recommendations that have been submitted by the commission’s 21 members, according to its chairman, State Sen. Louis DiPalma, D-Middletown.

The panel, which began its deliberations during the fall of 2018, has been dubbed the Project Sustainability Commission after the name of the fee-for-service reimbursement system for private agencies that deliver most state-funded social services to some 4,000 adults with developmental disabilities.

Project Sustainability, enacted by the General Assembly in 2011, has been widely criticized by service providers and families as an excuse to cut funding.

Project Sustainability is under review by the state Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, which has hired outside consultants to expand its analytical capabilities. The review, expected to conclude in June, is separate from the commission.

The commission meeting on Jan. 14 will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Senate Lounge of the State House.